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censorship // letterpress poster

This poster was made as part of Chromatic Borders For a Cause, a project created by Ashley Fuchs, assistant graphic design professor at Montana State University. You can read her interview about the project, and see my peers’ work in Issue 24 of Pressing Matters, a UK-based publication. Chromatic Borders gives students the opportunity for interdisciplinary making practices, and asks them to address a relevant and provocative issue. The issue I chose to highlight is the freedom and censorship of information. My main subject is a chain symbolizing the restrictions that have been placed on information, which breaks above “BULL$#!T” to represent the various methods that people have employed to get past censorship algorithms on social media. However, this is acknowledging the irony of self-censorship in order to achieve freedom of speech. The rest of the page is covered in red censor bars, referring to the blacked-out lines in classified documents, which overlay the blue chains, establishing a political undertone to the message of the poster. I used a variety of typefaces to once again call back to classified documents and their scrambled nature when attempted to decipher, which is broken by the final exclamation of "bullshit" using a larger and more impactful typeface. Made using MDF-mounted Acrylic, and Wood Type; Printed with Vandercook No. 4 and Asbern ADR-1 presses

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